July 30, 2009

The Living Barefoot Podcast Show - Episode 3

The latest episode of the Living Barefoot Show has been released! Al and I had the immense pleasure of interviewing Michael Martin, National Sales Manager at Vibram USA, to discuss the world of Vibram FiveFingers. Check it out here!

July 29, 2009

Cochrane Eagle Article

The Cochrane Eagle article that Al and I interviewed for last week has just come online. It's called 'Sick of Shoes? Back pain? Try living the barefoot life.'

Thanks Rachel!

July 28, 2009

The Running Experiment Worked!

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about wanting to run. My theory was that maybe running would 'wake up' some nerves that have been slightly dysfunctional of late causing some muscle tone imbalances in my legs. I am extremely happy to report that my experiment worked!

I had a massage today by my genius massage therapist who's been working hard to get me all the way back to normal. He is, unfortunately, not a fan of running. I told him about my running experiment while he was working on the leg with the muscle imbalances and he said that my medial hamstring is working now whereas the last time he saw me, it was not. He grudgingly admitted that it might have been the running that woke up that particular nerve and made my muscle work again.

It might have been the running, it might not have been the running. Either way, I'll take the improvement! And keep running! For now I'll stick to short, less than a minute intervals and of course, only in my VFFs. (I'll work on completely barefoot running later.)

July 25, 2009

Interviewed for the Cochrane Eagle

Yesterday, Al Gauthier (my Living Barefoot Show podcast co-host, who is visiting from Vancouver!) and I were interviewed for an article on barefooting for the local paper, the Cochrane Eagle, by their new editor, Rachel Maclean. The article should be in next week's paper and I'll post a link when it's available.

Thanks Rachel, it was a pleasure being interviewed.

July 21, 2009

Interview with CHQR AM 770 Calgary Radio

In case anyone in the Calgary area is interested, I'll be interviewed on CHQR AM 770 radio this afternoon at 5:45 PM MST about my barefoot endeavours and the Living Barefoot Show podcast. There's an online stream available, too, in case you're not in the Calgary area.

July 15, 2009

Yours Truly (and Other Barefooters of Note) in the Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail article that I interviewed for just came out! It's called "No Shoes? No Problem!"

Is a barefoot revolution on its way?

We can hope!

The Living Barefoot Podcast Show - Episode 2

The first full-length Living Barefoot Podcast Show is online! Episode 2 features interviews with yours truly, Al Gauthier, and Damien Tougas (from ADVENTUREinPROGRESS) is now available. Listen to it online, download it to your computer, or subscribe via iTunes!

Check it out at:

July 13, 2009

I Want to Run!

I've decided to believe, and take to heart, a quote by Dr. Daniel Lieberman from Harvard University in Christopher McDougall's book 'Born to Run':
If there's a magic bullet to make human beings healthy, it's to run.

I'm tired of not running anymore. I still have some sensory and muscle tone issues related to my recently reinjured low back but I have some new thoughts regarding these: maybe running will make my nerves 'wake up'. Maybe it won't. But at the very least, I know that it will improve my mental state if not the nerve issues. If I wait around for all my nerve function to come back before I start running again, and it never does, that's too long of a wait for me.

So yesterday, I RAN.

It wasn't much. I ran for 1o whole seconds times 3 intervals. And that was enough for me. I didn't encounter any problems running but it is really hard to find good form if running for only 10 seconds. I did notice a huge smile on my face while I was running, though.

I ran on grass in a nearby soccer field, to try to reduce any jarring impacts. I decided it was too squishy for me and next time I'm going to try running on the path instead where the ground is more solid.

I ran in my favourite pair of VFF KSOs. They are truly the best pair of running shoes I have ever owned.

Next time, I'll try 15 whole seconds times 3 intervals and see how it goes. This is my 'off the couch' program. I've done it before but never quite this slowly. After my kind of injury, I have to start somewhere and slow is where it's going to have to be.

July 7, 2009

New Vivo Barefoot Shoes!

(Last post for the day, I felt like I needed to catch up after this eventful weekend).

When I got home yesterday, I checked my mail and was ecstatic to have finally received my new Vivo Barefoot Shoes. They're black leather Lucys and I love them already. I wanted a pair of barefoot alternative shoes that I could wear regular socks in during cooler temperatures and these will definitely work out for that purpose.

My first impressions of them include: how surprisingly light they are, they're incredibly comfortable and feel like slippers, they're very insconspicuous, they feel like 'too much' shoe with the insole in but are much thinner in the sole without it, the total lack of arch support is perfect, there's a lot of wiggle room in the toe box, the heels don't slip at all, my gait is very similar to that with the VFFs.

I'm really looking forward to wearing them around town and will post more about them as I wear them more. Until then, here's some pics.

Interview for the Globe and Mail

Yesterday, after returning from my weekend camping trip, I was contacted by a writer with the Globe and Mail! She wanted to interview me regarding barefooting!

It was really exciting for me. We talked about why I started barefooting, what kind of barefoot alternative shoes I wear, what kinds of activities I do in them, my experiences going completely barefoot, my perspectives as a female barefooter (apparently they're hard to find in Canada), and my future plans with barefooting.

I'm really looking forward to the article. My thoughts are that it's about barefooting in general and I'm really proud to be a part of it (if my 2 cents get included). Thanks, Jennifer, for the opportunity to share my views on barefooting.

Camping in VFFs

This passed weekend, I was in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, for the Sinister 7. In short, it's a 146 km trail race divided into 7 legs, which can be run solo or in a relay team of between 2-7 people. I was supporting my spouse for the race, who successfully completed it solo (so proud!). It was a great weekend.

I spent the whole weekend in VFFs: KSOs and Flows. I can't imagine a more versatile camping shoe than the VFF. The KSOs were awesome during the day, with or without socks. In the morning they got soaking wet from the dew on the grass and after 2 hours of sitting in sun, they were completely dry. They were covered in wet dirt at one point and after they dried, they looked perfectly clean, and I didn't even rinse them off. They were most comfortable and I enjoyed feeling the gravel, grass, and concrete that I walked on most of the day.

At night, the Flows (with Injijis) were great and my feet were warm enough throughout the whole night. I was outside in transition from 2-4 AM and my toes were warm the whole time.

I even ventured a short run in my KSOs: across a baseball diamond. It was a very short run (considering the venue that I was at) but my first attempt at any type of running in 2 months (due to my current back issues). I felt light on my feet, landed on the balls of feet, and felt no pain with my steps. It was a good test for me to see where my back is at and I'm happy that it worked out for me.

I can't say enough good things about VFFs and if you ever need a pair of all-around great camping shoes, they certainly fit the bill.