When I got home yesterday, I checked my mail and was ecstatic to have finally received my new Vivo Barefoot Shoes. They're black leather Lucys and I love them already. I wanted a pair of barefoot alternative shoes that I could wear regular socks in during cooler temperatures and these will definitely work out for that purpose.
My first impressions of them include: how surprisingly light they are, they're incredibly comfortable and feel like slippers, they're very insconspicuous, they feel like 'too much' shoe with the insole in but are much thinner in the sole without it, the total lack of arch support is perfect, there's a lot of wiggle room in the toe box, the heels don't slip at all, my gait is very similar to that with the VFFs.
I'm really looking forward to wearing them around town and will post more about them as I wear them more. Until then, here's some pics.