I left the house in VFF KSOs and we decided to walk around the soccer fields near our house. The grass is healthier now with less dry, dead grass. I took off my shoes at our turnaround, so about half of our walk was completely barefoot.
I noticed several things while barefoot today:
- I step much more lighly, even on grass, completely barefoot than in VFFs.
- I could feel a bit of jarring in my back (it was particularly sensitive today) with the VFFs and none barefoot.
- My knees also come up higher, maybe because they're more bent barefoot?
- The skin on the bottom of my feet felt tougher today than the last time.
- My feet and legs react faster to uncomfortable things I step on (eg, the odd rock in the field) barefoot than in VFFs.
- I really wanted to stop and enjoy the feel of the occassional tuft of soft grass beneath my feet.
- I look down at the ground a lot more when barefoot than in VFFs, probably because I care more about what I step on without any protection.
- I did not get the urge to run like I normally get when I'm outside walking in my VFFs. (I wonder why that is?)
- Absolutely no burning feeling on the bottom of my feet when I got home. (YAY!)