June 29, 2010

Long Review - Vivo Barefoot Kali Shoes

I just finished my review of Terra Plana's Vivo Barefoot Kali shoes and it is now online on the Living Barefoot website.

These are the shoes that I bought at Terra Plana's New York store. Although they needed to be broken in (a painful blister lesson) I do love them. They are a sharp looking shoe and perfect for any office environment if you're in to minimalist shoes (or if you're like me and can't wear anything else). If there's ever occasion where I have to wear a dress again (no doubt I will be hard pressed to avoid that kind of situation), I will wear my Kalis.

You can check out the review (and my attractive modelling feet) at: http://www.livingbarefoot.info/2010/06/review-vivo-barefoots-kali-shoe/

June 27, 2010

The Living Barefoot Podcast Show - Episode 15 Released

The latest episode of the Living Barefoot Show was just released. Al and I interviewed Michael Sandler: runner, coach, author, and all-around great guy! We had a fabulous time talking with him during the interview and we chatted for quite a while afterwards as well. I would really like to catch one of his barefoot running clinics. I'll have to keep an eye on his schedule. Or maybe, I'll have to see about hosting one of his and his lovely fiancee's clinics in Calgary....

You can check out the show at: http://www.livingbarefoot.info/2010/06/the-living-barefoot-show-episode-15-we-interview-michael-sandler-author-of-barefoot-running/


I have finally decided that I am a runner. I have changed programs recently. I'm doing the 'Listen to Your Body' program, which I learned from Dr. Lieberman at the Barefoot Running Clinic in Boston. I've been trying it for probably two months now.

I run with no tech: no heart rate monitor or GPS. It's been working great and very freeing. I run when I want to or feel like running, I walk when my heart rate gets too high or my legs/feet need a break, I walk up hills if I feel like it, I occasionally sprint up hills if I feel like it. I've been making super progress too. I've been running longer and stronger. I think my progress has improving much faster than it ever was when I ran a more regimented program (like 4 minutes running, 30 seconds walking times however many intervals I thought I could do). My body tells me when I need to slow down or speed up, when my legs are tired, when my arches need more recovery. I'm learning to listen to the big messages and even the more subtle ones. So now, I AM a runner.

I also recently returned from Vancouver, B.C. where I had a short vacation(thanks Susi). I walked and ran A LOT on the trails of North Vancouver. It was fantastic! I spent almost every minute of the trip in my new Vivo Barefoot EVOs, which I absolutely adore (the long review of those will be up on Living Barefoot soon and I'll post a link when it goes up). I took some pics while on one of my walks. This is Lynn Canyon. Enjoy!

June 15, 2010

Barefoot/Minimalist Running Advice

Jason Robillard, the author of the Barefoot Running Book, recently asked me if I had any 'helpful tips' for barefoot/minimalist runners. My best tip is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. It will tell you when you should slow down or when you're ready to speed up. It will tell you when you need to step lighter or when you can plow through some terrain. It will tell you when you are ready to increase your cadence or when you need to slow it down. It will tell you when you can go out and run again or when you need a little more time to recover from the last run. Learning to listen to your body is crucial in barefoot/minimalist running and experience will help in interpreting the messages.

That's my two cents. If you're interested in reading Jason's book, you can check out his blog where he has information on how to order it.

June 8, 2010

The Living Barefoot Podcast Show - Episode 14 Released

The latest episode of the Living Barefoot Show recently went online. Al and I interviewed Dr. Michael Nirenberg, a renowned barefoot-friendly podiatrist. The interview is spectacular.

You can check it out at: http://www.livingbarefoot.info/2010/06/living-barefoot-show-we-interview-dr-michael-nirenberg/

June 2, 2010

Not Tough Enough

Although I can say that barefoot/minimalist footwear is one of the best changes that I've ever made in my life, there are, unfortunately, still set backs for me. My recent trip to New York taught me that my feet are just not as tough as I'd like them to be.

Granted, I haven't spent as much time on my feet as I would have liked in the last year, I had a hard time being on my feet as much as I was while on my latest vacation. I obviously wore minimalist footwear all of the time, seeing as that's all I own for footwear. After the third day of walking around Manhattan, my feet were a little damaged. I had developed a deep tissue blister between the balls of my left foot. I'm pretty sure that this was caused because my feet were not strong enough to handle all the walking/running with very little padding in my shoes. In addition, I got bad blisters from wearing new shoes with no socks after many long winter months of strict sock-wearing. My feet were in rough shape.

'Live and learn' is a favourite philosophy of mine. I learned that my feet, meaning both muscles and skin, are not as tough as I'd like them to be. On to strengthening my muscles and toughening my skin...